First, decide what you want to do.

Blocks drop 3 things:  Seeds, blocks, and gems.  All these things have their purposes but you need more of some of them for reaching different goals.

Want to get rich?  GEMS!  Want to build or decorate stuff or yourself?  BLOCKS!  Want to grow more of this or crossbreed that to make new stuff?  SEEDS! 

Check out our data in these posts and figure out what you want to grow.  Just ask us for the raw data for each tier in spreadsheet form if you want to work with it!  See the menu to the right for our list of growable items in Pixel Worlds.  If you have specific goals and need to know how to crossbreed items, the recipes are on the tier pages, our world Good_Farming.  

Then, create a world to farm on.
Jake the Community Manager

Find a world that isn't locked by going to the Worlds screen and typing in names until you find a new one or one that somebody started and left behind.  Jake the Developer has some awesome Pixel Worlds videos on the Pixel Worlds YouTube Channel.  They're all very helpful, but the first one to watch is this great video about locking worlds; make sure you watch it and get that world secured ASAP with the 100 gem Small Lock at least.  It's a horrible feeling to come back to your carefully designed and planted world to find trolls destroying and stealing it all.

Get some seeds to plant!

You can get a lot of seeds right out of the dirt of your world:  Soil Block, Cave Wall, Lava Block, Granite Block, Marble Block, Obsidian Block.  Others you need to buy in the Shop, like sand, water, etc.  A great way to increase your seed selection is to buy the Basic Seeds pack from the Shop.  It's only 50 gems and gives you lots of interesting choices to farm!  At the beginning of your farming, no matter what your goals are, we suggest buying a lot of Basic Seeds packs whenever possible and expanding your horizons.  

Finally, FARM, FARM, FARM!

There are many, many ways to farm.  Go check out some farming worlds and get inspired or just create something that works for you.  We like to make terraces out of Soil Blocks in sets of 10 so we can collect all this great data for you!  Some people are very fond of farming on platforms so they can jump between them.  How you harvest your blocks and how you like to break them and collect what they leave behind are the deciding factors about how you will plant those seeds first.

There are the basics!  Go forth and farm and we hope this blog will help you get rich, grow stuff, and crossbreed to your heart's content! 

1 comment:

  1. Ok thank you i will get Started Today!!!!
